Field Station Martin’s Eye, Iceland, for The IK Foundation

JeffNews, Updates & General Information, Uncategorised

In September 2022, The IK Foundation, The University of Iceland, and The Embassy of Sweden in Iceland collaborated to establish an autonomous research station, The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye, on Breiðamerkursandur, specifically on Jökulnes. Aetherweb provided technical support, software development, and implementation consultancy services for the station’s inception and has continued to support it remotely since. … Read More


JeffNews, Updates & General Information, Uncategorised

Aetherweb worked for The IK Foundation, The University of Iceland and The Embassy of Sweden in Iceland to establish an autonomous research station, The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye, on Breiðamerkursandur, more specifically on Jökulnes. The Field Station provides the opportunity to monitor the landscape biosphere, wildlife, weather, vegetation, atmosphere and more; without human intervention in a … Read More



The FIELD STATION | NATURAE OBSERVATIO is a unique and tested autonomous micro field station system developed to observe biospheres without disturbing Nature. It is adapted to be flexible, field dignified and robust. A platform for scientific observations as well as documentation of a landscape, developed by a group of international specialists – Aetherweb Ltd is responsible for the software design – led by … Read More

Aetherweb now makes Android Apps


I can now create Android apps. One small silver lining resulting from the UK’s CV-19 lockdown. My first app, is an “app” version of Aetherweb’s password generator/manager “aeKee” which you can learn more about here…

Expedition to Svalbard with The IK Foundation

JeffNews, Updates & General Information

In May 2019 I was extremely privileged and proud to be able to travel to Svalbard, Norway as part of a team put together by The IK Foundation – one of Aetherweb’s oldest clients – to design, configure and install a state of the art remote weather and wildlife monitoring station. The station is (at time of writing) taking 100s … Read More

Bulk Editing PHP-FPM .yaml Files on a cPanel Server

JeffTechnical Articles & Notes

When running all or most of ones client accounts on a cPanel server under PHP-FPM, making a change to PHP.INI in the usual ways has no effect. WHM Multi-PHP INI Editor does not work in the ‘normal’ way and nor do individual users’ cPanel account INI editors; in fact the way to make changes is (at time of writing) to … Read More

CouchCMS Shortcode for Automatic Image Resizing In RichText

JeffTechnical Articles & Notes

I have a client that wants to use CouchCMS (an open source content management system) to add content to their website. The content varies, and the pages contain many images of different sizes – the originals of which are often very large. Manually resizing these images to create appropriately sized thumbnail and larger versions would be a very onerous task. … Read More