CloudFlare Free Full SSL; Not As Secure As You Think?

JeffTechnical Articles & Notes

CloudFlare offer the option to provide SSL for your website without the hassle or expense of obtaining an SSL certificate. It really is quite a hassle and it’s definitely expensive (relatively) so this is brilliant, especially as Google do rate an SSL site higher than a non-SSL one. All you have to do is put your site behind CloudFlare and … Read More

Adding CPanel/WHM cPHulk IP Blocks to CSF & CloudFlare

JeffTechnical Articles & Notes

I’m running ConfigServer Firewall with its associated LFD (Login Failure Daemon) on one of my servers. LFD I believe does much the same job as cPHulk but advice I found online suggests that if resources aren’t hogged then enable both for a stronger setup. cPHulk has (in the CPanel/WHM control panel) an option to run an external command when an … Read More